Welcome to a brand new Harry Potter podcast presented to you by Tour for Muggles – every muggle’s favourite Harry Potter film location tour! Due to the current COVID-19 situation, our wonderful tour guides are unable to guide you in Harry Potter’s footsteps physically – so come join us instead on our new podcast WANDerlust, where we delve into the Harry Potter books chronologically and explore the magical aspects of each location in the muggle and wizarding world. We’ll discuss the difference between book and film, chat where it might be located in ‘real life’, and explore behind the scenes, bantering our way through curious facts, logistical conundrums and even interviewing those with insider knowledge. The entire podcast is run by our very own tour guides, so don’t hesitate to subscribe so you’ll never miss on out on a spell-binding episode of WANDerlust! Support the team by buying them a butterbeer on www.ko-fi.com/wand

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Episode 9: The Great Lake - ‘No more’n four to a boat!’
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
For our ninth episode, our tour guides must brave the Great Lake – or is it the Black Lake? Spoiler: it’s the same lake! Our hosts Will Hagrid, Alex Scamander, Greta Granger and Nick Longbottom are getting their feet wet, diving right in, and holding their breath for some truly fascinating underwater content!
Encounter the cephalopod (posh word for a squid) – potentially the wizarding world’s BIGGEST animagus. Sail underwater with the Durmstrang ship, and discover a possible Viking inspiration for it! Try and pronounce the various Lochs used for filming, and meet the creatures that lurk in their depths. Also including: The Black Lake – your next diving holiday? Merpeople: Beasts or Beings? A variety of Health and Safety concerns about the Second Task; a daring rescue by Hagrid that never happened, and a Hufflepuff standoff that almost sinks the episode!
So no more’n four to a boat, swashbucklers, as we spend just over 30 minutes trying to row our way across the Great Lake to dock at Hogwarts Castle! Subscribe now to never miss an episode and follow us @WANDerlusttfm on social media for sneak peaks and extras, as we continue forging a path through the magical and muggle world of Harry and his friends!

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Episode 8: Hogwarts Express - ‘Anything off the trolley, dears?’
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
In episode 8, our tour guides have finally boarded the Hogwarts Express! Our hosts Nick Longbottom, Will Hagrid, Alex Scamander and Greta Granger will be seated three doors down from the Prefect’s carriage…or potentially exploring the buffet car!
Travel along train lines with Will Hagrid as he attempts to plot the route of the Express, learn about Alex Scamander’s Hogsmeade Station discoveries, join Greta Granger in working out how the Ministry of Magic got its hands on an actual train, and see if you can remember all the events on the Hogwarts Express that Nick Longbottom has collected! Plus: meet the Crewe crew from Crewe, name the – slightly sinister! – trolley lady, and see if you can figure out what Remus Lupin is really doing on the train!
So all aboard the Hogwarts Express, as we spend just over 30 minutes trying to crowbar in Every. Single. Train. Pun. Ever. Subscribe now to never miss an episode – Next Stop: Hogwarts Castle! – and follow us @WANDerlusttfm on social media for sneak peaks and extras, as we continue forging a path through the magical and muggle world of Harry and his friends!

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
For episode 7, our tour guides are taking a closer look at King’s Cross/St. Pancras! Our hosts Greta Granger, Nick Longbottom, Will Hagrid and Alex Scamander attempt to figure out where the barrier to Platform 9 ¾ really is…and also, what it actually is.
Is Boudicca really buried under King’s Cross? And does she share her name with a Harry Potter villain? Why does Harry end up at King’s Cross when he’s dead – is he dead? Is Dumbledore Death? Where do ghost trains go? How did David Yates manage to film in such a busy station – and which of our guides have actually tried on invisibility cloaks? Finally, listen to a romantic story or two, whilst searching for the magical Eurostar!
So get ready to burst through barriers, as we tackle familiar train guards, owl cage accidents, and miss seeing JK by a smidge as she sneaks past us, all in just over 30 minutes. Subscribe now to keep up to date with our episodes, and to continue following our wizarding journey through the muggle and magical world of JK Rowling!

Friday May 29, 2020
Episode 6: Gringotts - ‘Yeh’d be mad to rob it!’
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
In episode 6, join our tour guides in deciding whether Gringotts is as safe as it seems! Our hosts Alex Scamander, Greta Granger, Nick Longbottom and Will Hagrid discuss the ins and outs of filming at Gringotts – all the way to Vault 713.
Find out why Hagrid is apparently a communist, which goblin has the first name Goblin, why Gandalf is looking to hide his ring in Gringotts, and the proper pronunciation of the word ‘knut’. Learn whether Daniel Radcliffe actually stopped a mugger, how much gold is in the Bank of England, and the case of the mysteriously vanishing galleons. Then stick around for a round or two of Where’s Warwick!
So jump in the cart – one speed only! – and delve into the depths of Gringotts in just over 30 minutes. But watch out – here there be dragons! Don’t miss out on an episode; subscribe now to keep following our wizarding journey through the muggle and magical world of JK Rowling!

Friday May 22, 2020
Episode 5: Welcome to Diagon Alley!
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
In episode 5, our tour guides have finally made it to Diagon Alley! Our hosts Will Hagrid, Alex Scamander, Greta Granger and Nick Longbottom debate back and forth about where the real-life inspiration might be – which mostly depends on who went to uni where!
Join Alex in lamenting the fact there was no 80’s movie montage as Hagrid and Harry wandered through the shops; walk with Will through Edinburgh’s contenders and cafés; amble with Nick, who has a very suspect quote from JK herself, and follow Greta, as she theorises about Flourish and Blotts, and puts Florean Fortescue in the spotlight!
Find out why our guides are obsessed with parrots this episode, why you should always end on your weakest fact, and listen to some very bad accents, all in just over 30 minutes. So tap those bricks and join us in Diagon Alley! Don’t miss out on an episode; subscribe now to keep following our wizarding journey through the muggle and magical world of JK Rowling!