Welcome to a brand new Harry Potter podcast presented to you by Tour for Muggles – every muggle’s favourite Harry Potter film location tour! Due to the current COVID-19 situation, our wonderful tour guides are unable to guide you in Harry Potter’s footsteps physically – so come join us instead on our new podcast WANDerlust, where we delve into the Harry Potter books chronologically and explore the magical aspects of each location in the muggle and wizarding world. We’ll discuss the difference between book and film, chat where it might be located in ‘real life’, and explore behind the scenes, bantering our way through curious facts, logistical conundrums and even interviewing those with insider knowledge. The entire podcast is run by our very own tour guides, so don’t hesitate to subscribe so you’ll never miss on out on a spell-binding episode of WANDerlust! Support the team by buying them a butterbeer on www.ko-fi.com/wand

Saturday May 16, 2020
Episode 4: The Leaky Cauldron - ‘The usual, Hagrid?’
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In our fourth episode, our tour guides are thirsting for a butterbeer! Our hosts Nicholas Longbottom, Will Hagrid, Alex Scamander and Greta Granger chat about the Leaky Cauldron and its filming locations – one which we go to on our tour! – and speak to BeBe Barry about peeking from her bedroom window one night in March 2003.
Debate some book conundrums that meeting Quirrel brings up, explore a smidge of the speakeasy culture, find out what happened to Tom the Bartender, and finally get the answer to the all-consuming question: is Stephen Hawking a wizard, or not?
Drink along with our guides – mead or tea both accepted – as we posit our favourite pubs (is the Leaky Cauldron is actually in Limerick?!) and pour over the many facets of the Leaky Cauldron, all in just over 30 minutes. Don’t miss out on an episode; subscribe now to keep following our magical journey through the muggle and wizarding world of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter!

Friday May 08, 2020
Episode 3: The-Hut-On-Rock - ‘Daddy’s gone mad, hasn’t he?’
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
In our third episode, our tour guides are aiming for The-Hut-On-Rock! Our hosts Greta Granger, Nicholas Longbottom, Will Hagrid and Alex Scamander tackle a shortlist of potential locations to find out if we can narrow down the moment where Harry’s life changes! Could it Blackwater Estuary, because Hagrid likes dolphins? Or maybe it’s in the North Sea, so Hagrid can drop past Azkaban?
Does Uncle Vernon actually have a gun license? How tall is Harry and why does it matter? Are four packets of crisps really enough for rations? And is it physically possible for a pack of Thestrals to carry Hagrid’s weight?
With plenty of logistical conundrums to answer – how did the Dursleys get off that island anyway? – explore the many aspects of the Hut-On-The-Rock in just over 30 minutes! Debate with us as we adventure onward – ‘yer a wizard, Harry!’ – and subscribe to keep following our magical journey through the muggle and wizarding world of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter!

Friday May 01, 2020
Episode 2: London Zoo - ‘Zootropolis!’
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
In our second episode, join our tour guides as we take a trip to the zoo! Our hosts Alex Scamander, Greta Granger, Nicholas Longbottom and Will Hagrid take a stab at which zoo the Dursleys really went to, and welcome Holly Bestley, fellow Harry Potter fan and learning officer at Zoological Society London to chat all things reptile, with even a small exclusive!
Did you know snakes don’t have eyelids, so they can’t actually wink? What happened to that boa constrictor after he escaped? Or was it actually a Burmese Python? Did you know there was a band called Parcelmouth? And which one of our guides once fell into a stingray basin?
All of the above – plus the Yak-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named will be explored in just over 30 minutes! So come take a trip to the zoo with us as we adventure forward in Harry’s footsteps, and subscribe to keep following our magical journey through the muggle and wizarding world of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Episode 1: Privet Drive - Perfectly Normal, thank you very much!
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
In our inaugural episode, join our tour guides as we explore the nitty-gritty of the most muggle location ever: Privet Drive! Our hosts Will Hagrid, Greta Granger, Alex Scamander, and Nicholas Longbottom strive to discover the real location – and there are a few contenders! We talk about where the filming was done (several spots, actually!), and one or two behind the scenes stories.
Did you know Privet was a type of plant? And did JK Rowling really base Privet Drive on her house in Winterbourne, where she lived when she was little? Is Dursley really as boring as it was made out to be? And what is Potter or Notter?
All these questions – plus some logistical conundrums will be explored in a mere 30 minutes! So come and visit suburbia with us, join us at the start of Harry’s journey, and subscribe to keep following our magical journey through the muggle and wizarding world of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter!